Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rock Bed Reveal!

Well hello! Yes, I am alive. So are Eric and Barkley.

I have been MIA for quite some time now...for various reasons. This is our first weekend home in several weeks. We've been doing lots of fun things with fun people, but it's just so very nice to be settled back into our routine now. We are getting to do things that we love again, like outdoor projects!

We have also been really busy during the weeks with volleyball and softball games. We're playing on two co-ed leagues this summer, which has been so much fun.

And lastly, I have been busy contemplating a new career endeavor. It looks as though I will be making the big leap into private practice soon! More to come on that soon....

This here project has been a year in the making. We have known since we moved in that we would have to re-do the rock garden behind our house. The ground was slopping toward our house, which is a big no-no, so we had to fix it! It has also been a VERY dreaded project. After much planning and preparation, we jumped right into it.

A while back, we fixed up the egress windows, so now it was time to take out all of the rocks, put down some weed barrier and slope the dirt from the house downward.

Here is was before:

Pretty terribly looking. There were tons of overgrown weeds that were very pesky and strong-willed I tell ya. And there was no barrier from the rocks to the grass, so it just looked bad. 

So, here's how it went down:

 And ta-da!

Doesn't that look so much better? It's cleaner and serves it's purpose. 
This was a pretty labor-intensive project. Our backs hurt pretty badly the days after. But it's so worth it. The next homeowners will thank us too. 

And I'll have you know that Eric and I picked up every one of those rocks by hand to be put into a pile....and then picked them all back up (this time with a shovel) to be put back. Yowsers! I have a new appreciation for landscapers.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The best sandwich you'll ever eat

We just had a fun-filled weekend of camping and outdoor projects, but that post will come later.

For now, I wanted to share my favorite sandwich on the planet.
It came to me one day. Essentially, I put together everything that I love. And naturally, it became a sandwich that is to die for (in my opinion, that is).

First off, I made some homemade pesto. I used walnuts instead of pinenuts...because well, I dislike pinenuts a whole lot. 
So, this is basil, olive oil, lots o' garlic, walnuts, splash of lemon juice, salt, pepper and some fresh thyme.

 Spread it on one side of the bread.
I used french bread from the bakery because it makes plain sandwiches heavenly.
And on the other piece of bread is mayonnaise. What's a sandwich without it?
 And of course the tomatoes
 I put goat cheese on one side of the bread. I love all cheeses, but the goat variety is waaay up there in my favorites. 
And then I put deli turkey on the bad boy.

 Drizzle some olive oil on the bread. 
And pop it under the broiler for a couple of minutes.
Easy as pie!!
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