Saturday, July 9, 2011

Veggie Garden- Then and Now

I just realized that I haven't updated you all on the vegetable garden! Silly me.

We put in the raised gardens, and after Memorial Day I went to work on putting in all of the plants that were growing in the house. I learned a huge lesson in gardening when I put too much plant food on them, and....uh...."burned" them. I learned this term through the process of killing all of my plants. But somehow, I managed to keep them alive enough to be salvagable. 

And then it hailed.

Three times.

Some of the hail was baseball size.

And, let's just say that's not too conducive to an already on-the-brink-of-survival garden.
And yet again, luck was on my side. It only fully took out a couple of my tomato plants and all of the strawberries. But the onions, shallots, and remaining tomatoes are doing wonderfully!

Here is pre-storm garden:

And the amazing tomato cages that Eric made out of leftover chicken wire! What a creative genius he is.

And here is the garden now!

The hail did take out most all of my flowers (that I had planted in pots the day prior to the first storm). Eric and I quickly learned that when we see signs of a storm, take every single pot under the carport for safety. 

After the death of my flowers, I went back to work to replant pots, using mainly seeds. And this is where they all landed- as we don't have another surface to keep them in the sunlight!

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